Saturday, June 29, 2013

Wacky words

#1George smells my freshly painted toenails and asks "why do your feet stink?" I don't know, I say. "Is it because you ate asparagus?"
#2 Quite seriously Cannon says. "Mom did you know that gluten people can eat the cone, I mean EAT the cone part of the ice cream cone". Poor deprived child.
#3 George is eating a plate of food at a family reunion, I watch as he eats a chocolate donut hole halfway through his meal...he looks at me and says "THAT was THE BEST meatball EVER!"  
#4 "someday I'm going to go on a roll-eee-coaster!"
#5 Cannon says to George "it's almost bedtime". George's reply "no it's not my dad says it's almost Christmas time!" (In early November)
#6 George is sitting next to Dad and Dad toots. George says "Dad say excuse me!" Dad says, "oh, sorry you're right. Excuse me. Besides George, it smells like flowers;)" without missing a beat George replies "yeah, dead ones." Lol!
#7 We learned about communication at FHE and during the prayer I say "We are thankful we could learn to communicate tonight. " The prayer then ends and immediately Cannon says "be in the cake? Why would we want to be in the cake?!?" Confusing "communicate" with "be in the cake!"
#8 George comes to me one day and says "my new nickname is not Georgie Porgie anymore, it's jor-hey!" 
#9 We are swimming in a lake at Yellowstone and Cannon wants to take off his shoes, I tell him that would be fine and he exclaims "what about the crabs and lobsters?!?!"
#10 Today while driving, George spotted a trailer full of fire wood and he says "that mans vocation is to get wood!" 

1 comment:

  1. Funny! This blog is a great idea. Kids say the funniest things, I never get tired of it. I like #10. What a smart kid. And #6 sounds like casual conversations at our home.
