Thank you Mom and Dad for keeping the kids for two days this week! Jake and I felt like newly weds again without kids tagging along. We went to the temple and to a delicious dinner at our favorite hole-in-the-wall Shang Hi. Then we were able to get some projects done around the house, albeit some were more exciting than others. One thing I got Jake to help me with is to hang this gallery above the couch and I am so happy with how it turned out. Take a look....
While we were working on hanging I was on the couch and lost my balance. I stepped back off the couch and although I landed on my foot, I also landed on a hard plastic toy bridge which gave me a good gash. When my Mom (the surgical nurse) looked at it she promptly got steri strips to take care of it. Luckily, the cut is on the arch of my foot so I can hobble around pretty good. It just kinda stinks, I am hoping and praying that it heals by the time we are scheduled to do a 30 miler in the Enchantments in September!
Anyhow, to finish off our dates we got to go shopping for some hiking boots for Jake and then to the Orion cinema and do dinner and a movie. What fun!